
Summer Driving Tips

Instead of rehashing the same summer driving tips posted on various other blogs, we decided to compile a list of sites where you can find tips on keeping your car in great shape for the summer, prepping an emergency kit, and making sure all those fluids are topped off.

This State Farm post has great lists for various areas of the engine to inspect and what to keep in your emergency kit.

The Red Cross has a great post about traveling and includes tips like this one:

  • Find out what disasters may occur in the place where you are traveling, especially if they are disasters you have never experienced before. Find out how you would get information in the event of a disaster (local radio systems, emergency alert systems).

We love this tip too from the DMV.  Read the rest of their post on How to Pack an Emergency Kit here.

  • Clean, empty, refillable gas jug: This won’t fit in your every-day emergency kit, but In addition to a standard car charger, also consider a solar charger. Just remember it’s never safe to keep a full jug in your vehicle, as gas is highly flammable and unstable.

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Finally, the National Highway and Transportation Administration has a comprehensive post, complete with several videos, on summer driving tips like prepping your car for long trips and traveling long distances with children.  Among their tips for traveling with kids:

Remember that long trips can be tough on children—and, in turn, tough on you. Plan enough time to stop along the way to take a group stretch, get something to eat and drink, return any calls or text messages, and change drivers if you’re feeling tired or drowsy. Consider staying overnight at a hotel or family resort. It can make the trip easier and less tiring for everyone—and more of an adventure, too. Bring along a few favorite books, videos, or soft toys to keep little ones content and occupied. The trip will seem to go faster for them, and keep you from being distracted every time they ask, “Are we there yet?”

Finally, check out our own past blog post on the biggest summer driving dangers here.