The state of Colorado has minimum requirements for auto insurance. At the time of this writing, those are $25,000 liability coverage per person and $50,000 per accident.
This means that if you own a car in Colorado you have to carry this much insurance to legally meet the state’s requirements. That insurance is used if someone is injured due to negligence of the car’s owner or driver.
There is no requirement to carry such insurance as collision, comprehensive, or even, uninsured motorist coverage for personal use automobiles.
Torte System State
Colorado is now what is referred to as a tort system state. This means that each party is responsible for their medical coverage. In most instances, although, there are factors that can change this, so be aware. Also, the at-fault party may be required to pay for the injuries, damage, suffering, and repayment of the medical bills of the party that is injured.
Medical Coverage
Next, some auto policies offer a degree of medical coverage for injuries sustained in an accident. These vary by policy. Coverage is also available for protection from uninsured motorists who may damage or injure you and have no complying insurance or do not have enough insurance to cover your damages.
Colorado is also a comparative negligence state. So, a party may be found at least partially at fault for causing their own injury. This can be a factor in determining the amount of compensation that the injured party is entitled to.
More Information
More complete and updated information about Colorado’s requirements for automobile insurance is found on the state department of insurance website at: You can also call them at 1 -800 – 930 – 3745.
Settling on an amount of compensation for an automobile accident can be a complicated process. It may involve several time limits and methods of settling the case to prevent a loss of rights for the injured party.
Finally, a person wishing to settle their case should contact a legal professional. At a minimum, that person should do extensive research to determine the rights and obligations they have when attempting to settle the case.