
Settling an Accident Claim: Five Influencing Factors

When you’re injured in an accident, the last thing you want to do is deal with a long, drawn-out legal case. Sometimes that’s inevitable. However, there are factors that influence settling an accident claim as quickly as possible and with as little hassle as possible.



  1. The injuries you or others with you sustained in the accident: some injuries are clear cut. A physician can easily tell how long it will take for an injury to heal and how long you will be out of work. Other injuries aren’t so easy to pigeonhole. The questions surrounding those injuries can delay settlement. Your legal team will want to make absolutely sure they know how an accident injury has, and will continue to, affect your life before settling a case.
  2. Insurance companies – insurance companies want to avoid fraudulent claims. Therefore, they take their time investigating accident injury claims. In Colorado, once a company has been provided evidence of a claim, they need to provide an answer within 60 days.
  3. The legal proceedings themselves can play a role in settling an accident claim. Insurance companies may offer less-than-fair compensation. This can lead to a civil case. Car accident attorneys like Rick need a discovery period to prove their case.  They’ll also need out of court negotiation time.
  4. The compensation requests can also influence settlement time. If you’re only seeking reimbursement or compensation for damage done to your vehicle and person, your claim may be settled quickly. Seeking damages for pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, etc. your claim may take longer.
  5. Who is to blame? If there is a clear-cut answer to this question, your case can be settled faster. However, there may be a dispute over who is at fault, or if multiple parties are at fault. That can delay your claim’s processing.

For more information on settling an accident claim, contact the Law Office of Rick Wagner today.