
Holiday Driving Tips

If your Thanksgiving or Christmas plans involve driving to your inlaws, best friend’s or to the beach, we’ve got some holiday driving tips for you.  It’s important to remember that this time of year the roads will be busier and you might encounter harsh winter weather. To prepare as best you can for those things, we suggest the following.

First, make sure you get a thorough maintenance check for your car before setting off on your trip.  Knowing that your car is in great condition will ease your mind.

Next, if you live in an area with potential for snow, ice, rain, etc, check the forecast.  It may be best to move your travel day to avoid the worst of the weather. Be sure to have your winter emergency kit fully stocked, just in case.

If you’re driving a long distance, be sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before. Don’t drive if you’re sleepy; pull over and let someone else drive, or take a brief walk to wake up.  Don’t get distracted by text messages or phone calls either.

holiday driving tips

When you encounter heavy traffic be sure to stay aware of what’s happening around you.  Ask others in the car to help as well so that you don’t get surprised by someone merging or stopping too quickly.

On your way home from your celebrations, make sure not to drive impaired.  If you’ve enjoyed Thanksgiving with a few glasses of wine, it might be best to spend the night before setting off for home. The last thing you want is to end a great celebration with a DUI or a car crash.

Plan for travel delays with kids by having snacks, coloring books, and other items in the car to help pass the time. Map your route and be aware of potential slow downs or construction areas.  See if there are ways around those.  If this is a particularly long trip, plan for a side activity or two to help break up the monotony of a long drive.

Holiday driving tips can be helpful reminders before setting out on a long road trip to Grandma’s. We want you to be safe and to arrive happy and healthy. If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, contact us today.